Monday, April 15, 2013

Introducing Hercules and Leo...

Members #551 & 552




ABOUT US: Here are Hercules and Leo. They share the same mother but are from different litters. Herky is a tan colour mini dachshund aged 2 and Leo is a silver dapple mini dachshund aged 1.

Leo follows Herky around everywhere and loves to play and annoy Herky with endless attacks on his feet. Herky on the other hand loves his sleep time, always looking for the best position on the couch or bed.

They both have a big sister called Ozley aged 3 (Border Collie) in which they love to lick and jump on, they all get along really well which is great.

Love the doggies very much, such a great breed who give you such good company and cuddles.

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