For many dogs Christmas is just another day where the only hope is that tomorrow might be better.
This time of year is always a bit mad. We know you are asked over and over again to give to this charity and that. There are lots of worthy causes out there. We'd like to thank everyone who has supported all of our fundraising in 2014.
We'd also like to encourage those who haven't already purchased their 2015 Long Dogs WA calendar to do so. The full purchase price of the calendars goes to Dachshund Rescue Australia to support the work they do rescuing and re-homing dachshunds nationwide.
Of course not everything has to be about money. We have lots of members who help out as foster carers, or volunteer with POOPs, Shenton Park Dogs home, SAFE, Best Friends Animal Rescue, Pets of Perth Lost and Found and many other amazing organisations. If you're looking for a New Year's resolution you could do a lot worse than get involved with one of these. You might be surprised to discover you get far more from it than you give.
From all of us at Long Dogs WA, we wish you and yours a very safe, happy and love filled festive season.

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